Spanish/Russian/ESL teacher
I have many ardent interests in my life with educating children in foreign languages and cultures inciting the greatest passion in me. To sow and nurture the seeds that awaken in a young child interest in foreign languages and cultures brings to me great satisfaction. My attraction to the Spanish language comes from the cultural richness common to the people for whom it is their native tongue. Through my rigorous study of Spanish, I came to discover that the Spanish character shares much in c...
Joanne C. from Whitestone, NY
Natalya worked very hard with my son. She made an effort to understand exactly what he was studying in his college level Intermediate Spanish class and was knowledgable about the material. She also sent him powerpoint presentations and showed him websites that were related to what he needed to know. She even had him email papers they had worked on so she could proof them on her own time. She definately helped him raise his grade in the class. I would highly recommend Natalya.